Current Projects

It’s been a while! I don’t have any recipes ready yet, but I think it’s time to update you on what I’ve been doing in Paraguay. On Wednesdays and Sundays I teach an English night class (my students are in the picture above). I use a classroom at the elementary school in my community, but the class is open to anyone from the community. The students who usually come are ages 12 – 16.



On Thursdays I teach English to grades 3 – 6 at the school. On Fridays I work in the school vegetable garden that I made with the students in grades 3 – 6. To the right is a picture of the students transplanting lettuce seedlings into the garden. The students should be watering the garden every day during the week, but I water it on the weekends.



Another big highlight is that my boyfriend came to visit me last week. Because I have very little access to phone calls and video chats, it often seems that my friends and family are very, very far away. It was so wonderful to see to see my boyfriend, and having him visit made me feel less disconnected, and more hopeful that I’ll be able to see everyone I love soon.


I hope to write again soon, with more recipes and updates on my projects. I’m currently working on a donation of trees to plant with the younger students at the school (preschool through 2nd grade) and a field day where a Paraguayan agricultural engineer will come to my community to talk to farmers about cultivating melon, watermelon, and beans. But sometimes projects that seem very possible don’t work out, so I have my fingers crossed, and I’m not going to post any more details until I know that these projects will succeed.